Exciting news for Bonmahon Tidy Towns! Waterford LEADER Partnership CLG, through the TÚS Scheme, is pleased to support the group by providing a variety of gardening tools. Additionally, we’ve loaned them a Strimmer and a Leaf Blower. Busy times ahead for the TÚS Participant working with Bonmahon Tidy Towns!
The TÚS Scheme is a community work placement initiative that provides short-term, quality work opportunities for unemployed people. It aims to benefit the community by supporting local projects and organisations, like Bonmahon Tidy Towns, with valuable resources and manpower. This scheme not only helps participants gain work experience and skills but also fosters a sense of community spirit and collaboration. To find out more about Tús please visit https://www.wlp.ie/tus-community-work-placement-scheme/
Here’s Seamie O’Brien of Bonmahon Tidy Towns taking delivery of the new equipment. ![🌿](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t1e/1/16/1f33f.png)
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