Advert for the public information meetings 2023
Waterford Leader Partnership (WLP) CLG is currently in the process of developing a community led Local Development Strategy (LDS) for implemening the new Leader 2023 -2027 programme.
WLP CLG is inviting people from local communities to have their say and help shape the new LEADER plan. A series of public meetings will be held around the county in March / April. WLP is encouraging anyone with views and ideas to come along, get involved in the discussion, and have their voice heard. Along with the public consultations there will be a series of meetings with focus groups and surveys will be taken to hear local views on how LEADER 2023 – 2027 programme can best support the development of communities in Co Waterford from an economic, social & environmental perspective.
WLP look forward to working with communities, businesses, organisations and individuals in the months ahead to ensure all voices, ideas and inputs are captured and a shared vision is developed for the next 5 years for all.
The new LEADER programme will open for business late in 2023 after a LEADER Plan has been agreed for the county.