Waterford Leader Partnership CLG (WLP) is excited to announce the launch of the 2023-2027 LEADER Programme. LEADER, a community-led approach to local development, is funded through Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027. Since its inception in 1991, LEADER has evolved through five programming periods, becoming a key element of EU rural development policy.
LEADER supports private enterprises and community groups in enhancing the quality of life and economic activity in rural areas. WLP CLG serves as the implementing partner for the County Waterford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), overseeing the administration, animation, and delivery of the LEADER Programme in County Waterford.
Local Development Strategy (LDS)
The LDS is a plan designed by members of rural communities, through their LAG, to support the sustainable development of their own rural communities.
WLP will implement the Local Development Strategy (LDS) 2023-2027 for County Waterford. The LDS was developed through consultations with communities and businesses to identify priority funding areas.
For more details, please refer to the LEADER Information Booklet below, which summarises the LDS and WLP’s areas of focus.
Project eligibility
In order for a project to be eligible for LEADER funding, it must be compatible with the actions outlined in the approved LDS in the geographical area concerned, and it must comply with the EU Regulations and Operating Rules in place for the programme.
Details of ineligible sectors and activities are listed in the 2023-2027 LEADER Operating Rules, which are available on the LEADER website: www.gov.ie/LEADER.
Project promoter eligibility
A project promoter can be an individual, group or other body (e.g. company) that submits a funding application to WLP CLG and, where successful, is given a contract to deliver the approved project.
The project promoter must be able to demonstrate that they can provide matching contributions to meet the full costs of the project and ensure that they will be operational as funded for five years from the date of final LEADER grant payment.
How to apply for LEADER funding
Prospective promoters are encouraged to contact WLP CLG to discuss the eligibility of their project proposals and the potential funding available. The WLP Project Officer will provide guidance regarding the mandatory Information Workshop, which outlines the application process for funding.
Please note that attendance at an Information Workshop is a prerequisite for all project promoters before completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) form. For a comprehensive description of the application process, please refer to the LEADER explanatory booklet provided below.
LEADER themes and sub-themes.
(Priority areas for funding in County Waterford are in bold below).
Theme 1 – Economic Development and Job Creation
The Green Economy
Agricultural Diversification
Rural Tourism & Recreation
Enterprise Development
Rural Food Production
Social, Community & Cooperative Enterprises
Theme 2 – Rural Infrastructure & Social Inclusion
Rural Infrastructure
Accessible Services
Optimising Digital Connectivity
Rural Youth
Theme 3 – Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment
Climate Change Capacity Building
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
If you would like to get in touch to discuss potential projects please contact:-
Ms Claire Connors (Project Officer) on +353(58)51505 / +353(87)2311062
Ms Christine Rossi ( CEO & Project Officer) on +353(58)54646
Project grant aid
The table below sets out the maximum LEADER grant aid that may be awarded for various project types. The miminum grant amount is €5,000 and the maximum is €200,000. Consideration of the rate of aid offered is on a project-by-project basis, and the top rate will not always be recommended.
Type of Project | Applicant | Maximum Rate of Aid | Maximum Funding |
Community Projects not involving Economic Activity | Community | Up to 75% | €500,000 |
Community Projects involving Economic Activity | Community | Up to 75% | €200,000 |
Investment & other supports (including promotion undertaken as part of the implementation of a project) | Private | Up to 75% | €200,000 |
Investment & other supports (including promotion undertaken as part of the implementation of a project) | Community | Up to 75% | €200,000 |
Community under accessible services sub-theme targeted at hard to reach communities | Community | Up to 90% | – |
Analysis and Development | Private | Up to 90% | €30,000 |
Analysis and Development | Community | Up to 90% | – |
Training | Private or Community | Up to 100% | €200,000 |
Types of Funding Available
Eligible projects can apply for assistance for Capital, including Equipment, Analysis & Development, Co-operation projects, Marketing and Training.
Please note: Any project activity undertaken or started prior to the application or the date of the signed acceptance of the contract will not be eligible for LEADER funding. It is important to ensure that all project activities commence only after the formal approval and signing of the contract to qualify for funding.
LEADER funding checklist for promoters:
Throughout the application process, project promoter must:
adhere to the EU Regulations, 2023-2027 LEADER Operating Rules, and Local Development Strategy
ensure compliance with all statutory requirements, e.g. procurement rules, local planning regulations, etc.
inform the LAG of any unforeseen changes that arise with the approved project
comply with information and publicity requirements for LEADER funded projects
retain and provide all necessary documentation for inspections and/or audit purposes
operate as funded for five years from the date of final LEADER grant payment
Remain in contact with the LEADER project development officer
Please note that the above list is not exhaustive, and other criteria will also apply.
The LEADER Programme in County Waterford is Co-funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development / Arna chomhchistiú ag an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail and Co-funded by the European Union. LEADER is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Further information on LEADER can be found at www.gov.ie/LEADER