Supporting Rural Development in
Waterford County

Waterford Leader Partnership CLG

Waterford LEADER Partnership CLG (WLP) was formed in 1991 and is one of 49 Local Development Companies operating throughout Ireland. WLP offers economic, social and cultural services to small businesses, community groups and individuals.  The Board of WLP is made up of voluntary members from community and voluntary sector, social partners, environmental interests, local government and state bodies.



Waterford Leader Partnership (WLP) CLG is a community led Local Development Company, and a registered charity, which works with communitys, families, individuals and businesses.  We deliver programmes, projects and initiatives in partnership with local communities and statutory agencies to provide a range of training, mentoring, technical, funding and development supports, all aimed at helping to develop and deliver services and facilities which meet local needs.


Case Studies

Case Studies

A selection of the various projects which have been supported by Waterford LEADER Partnership CLG (WLP). Everything from public amenities and voluntary bodies to commercial enterprises.

Jobs  Training

Jobs & Training

The following supports/services are available for jobseekers: