Supporting Rural Development in
Waterford County


St Declan’s Way trail has been formally approved by Sport Ireland.

The St Declan’s Way Committee would like to thank all those who have helped them to reach this milestone: more than 40 landowners; local authorities and local development companies in Waterford and Tipperary; the Department of Rural & Community Development and the Tomar Trust who provided funding for the project, and other agencies including Fáilte Ireland, Munster Vales and Coillte Teoranta.
A Google Map of the trail can be found here…
A detailed map brochure is in production and will be available soon.
All you need now are your walking boots!!

Blackwater Valley Economic Development Zone (BVEDZ) Smart Working in West Waterford

Nationwide features Social Farming

Maher’s Farm Social Farming story airing on RTE’s Nationwide Wed 24th July at 7pm

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Getaways features Ardmore Glamping Pods

Ardmore Glamping Pods were funded under the Rural Development (LEADER) Programme 2014 – 2020.

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