Supporting Rural Development in
Waterford County


Dr. Tom Cavanagh

WLP was very saddened to hear of the passing of Dr Tom Cavanagh. Dr Cavanagh was a native of Cork with strong family ties to Waterford. A successful business man, philanthropist, educationalist and environmentalist. Dr Cavanagh set up the TOMAR Trust in 1994 and both have been huge supporters of the community & voluntary activity in rural Ireland.
WLP is proud to be a partner of the TOMAR Trust and wishes to extend its sympathy at this time to the Cavanagh family on their great loss.

Waterford LEADER Partnership CLG Local Employment Service (LES) announcement

Waterford LEADER Partnership CLG Local Employment Service (LES) is changing its name to the Waterford South Tipperary Local Area Employment Service (WSTLAES) from September 1st 2022.  The LES will no longer be in operation, as and from August 31st 2022.

The LES closure is due to the Department of Social Protection’s plan to set up a new service following on from a tendering process. This will affect all the LES’s throughout the country.Read More

Once-off Grant Scheme for Community Trail Management Organisations

Walking Trails Funding Announcement

This morning, Minister Humphreys announced  once off grant funding for Community Trail Management Organisations who are listed on the Sport Ireland Trails Register. The grant funding may be used towards to the cost of purchasing equipment, small scale maintenance and/or marketing/promotion of the registered trail.

Waterford Festival of Food

Waterford Leader Partnership CLG under the Rural Development Programme has been an avid supporter of the Waterford Festival of Food since it began in 2008.

11/06/2022. Pictured at the Woodhouse Estate Walled Garden Dinner at the 13th annual West Waterford Festival of Food, one of Ireland’s biggest food festivals, which ran from 10 – 12 June with almost 100 events happening across the weekend. Photograph: Patrick Browne Photography.  By courtesy of Waterford Festival of Foods.

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Clonea Power’s community hub

Great article in the Munster Express on the Clonea Power’s community hub which was funded under the Rural Development LEADER Programme 2014 – 2022